Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Exercises

Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of heel pain. Fortunately, plantar fasciitis can be prevented by doing some exercise for a few minutes to make it more flexible.

plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the thick fibrous tissue that runs vertically from heel to toe. This tissue is called plantar fascia and is useful to support muscles and arches as well as connecting the heel bone to the toes. If it gets over stretched or overuse, the plantar fascia surface can be torn, causing inflammation, pain, and walking problem.

Plantar fasciitis can be caused by several factors such as wearing high heels, flat soles that do not have an arch, a strained calf muscle, pregnant, obese, or standing for a long time. Heel pain in the morning or after a long break is usually this disease characteristic.

Read also : This is What Happen When You Wear High Heels!

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Exercises

The pain of plantar fasciitis can be relieved by doing exercise purposively designed to stretch the calf muscles and plantar fascia as below:

  • Using a Towel

Before getting out of bed in the morning, wrap a towel around the foot. Use towel to pull the toes toward the body, try to keep your knees straight. Repeat three times on each leg. Or, place a towel on the floor and then grab a towel with your toes and pull it toward you. Do not forget to repeat this movement on the other leg.

  • Using a Chair

Sit on a chair. Bend your pain foot knee so you can hold your toes. Pull the toes inward (toward you) until you can feel a stretch on the plantar fascia. Hold it for 20 seconds and repeat 10 times, do this exercise 3-5 times a day.

  • Using Wall

Place both hands on the shoulders parallel to the wall with one foot in front of the other. Your front leg should be lined around 30 cm from the wall. Lean against the wall with the front knee bent and straighten the rear legs, until you feel your calf muscle becomes tight. Repeat 10 times before switching to the other foot.

There are also other movements, but you have to stand closer to the wall. straighten your arms and stick to the wall aligned the shoulders. Place one foot in front of the other foot, bend your knees at the same time, with a footstool weight on both legs. Keep your back straight and look straight forward, and both heels touching the ground. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat 10 times before switching to the other foot.

  • Using a Can

Relieve heel pain can also be done with the help of beverage cans, bottles, plastic ice, or a rolling pin. You can do this exercise sitting or standing. The trick is, put your feet on the can then roll it backwards and forwards. Repeat at least twice a day.

  • Using Stairs

Standing at the bottom of the stairs while holding the handle of the stairs and facing a higher stair. Keep your legs slightly apart, with heels hanging off and the pads of the feet on stair. Lower your heel to the calf felt tight. Hold this position for about 40 seconds, before raising your heels back to the starting position. Repeat this exercise six times, and do at least twice a day.

We recommend you to do the exercise on both legs, although only one leg ache. Why? Because besides relieving pain in the heel, foot balance and stability will increase. But before doing exercise above, ask your doctor first. Do not forget to rest your feet by pausing or reducing activities that can lead to plantar fasciitis. If you feel your heel in pain, compress with ice, compress with ice to relieve the pain.
