Knee Ligament Injuries First Aid Treatment

Knee ligament injury can happen especially when you are exercising or doing activity. Most of the knee injury caused the knee function becomes deteriorate, such as weakened to support the body weight.

knee ligament injury

The knee is a body part that works hard when you're doing activities, especially exercise such as running. The load on the knee while working hard can cause injury to the ligaments. Ligaments are hard bands that connects bone to bone.
The ligaments in the knee ligaments are vulnerable to injury and can lead to permanent changes in a person's activity. Injuries that often experienced by athletes can also be experienced by anyone who are doing or have conditions such as the following:
  1. Knee suffered from a concussion
  2. Rotating the knees with your feet remain grounded on the ground.
  3. Suddenly moving the load weight from one foot to the other.
  4. Over widen the knees.
  5. Jumping and landing with bent knees.
  6. Sudden stop while running.
Knee ligament injury will cause the person experiencing it can feel sudden pain, swelling, crackling sound of a knee injury, the joints feel loose, and always feel pain each time lifting weights.

Read also : Knee Injury Treatment Home Remedy

Examination for detecting injuries could be done with MRI, X-rays, or other tests. In most cases, the doctor may use a needle to suck and dried blood in the swollen knee.

If it not treated immediately, the impact of a knee ligament injury can be felt up to several months, even several years later.

Knee Ligament Injury First Aid

  1. Compress the knee with a cloth to relieve swelling. You can also use ice cubes. Place the compress for 20-30 minutes every four hours.
  2. Rest your knees.
  3. When lying down, raise your knee on a pillow.
  4. If needed, take anti-inflammation drug and pain reliever.
  5. Wear kneepads to prevent further injury.
  6. The doctor will probably encourage you to practice stretching and movement to train the strength.
  7. Physical therapy may be needed on medical advice.

After receiving treatment, avoid rush back on the move as actively as before until your knee recover as the following conditions:
  1. No swelling anymore.
  2. The injured knee is just as strong as uninjured.
  3. Do not feel pain in the knee when walking, running and jumping.
  4. Be able to bend and straighten the knee without pain.
  5. Do not underestimate the recovery period because if you are rush to move as it was when the knee has not completely recovered, then you face the risk of permanent injury.

Fast or slow period of recovery depend on the severity of the injury and the treatment given. However, some types of injuries, such as Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) and Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) torn typically require reconstructive surgery to recover. These ligaments connect the femur to the tibia (a lower leg bone).

The possibility of ACL injury is very common among all forms of sports injuries. Injuries to these Cruciate Ligaments unfortunately can not be fixed and can only be reconstructed. This operation is likely to return more than 80 percent of knee function. In other words, it will not completely the same as before the injury. Patients also will likely continue to experience pain and swelling. Besides this operation also risk causing other health problems, such as infection and blood clots.

Therefore it is important to prevent knee ligament injuries before it happens. This can be prevented by warming up before exercise or doing activities, stretching and strength training regularly to maintain muscle flexibility, and avoid increasing the intensity of exercise suddenly.
