This Is What Happen When You Wear High Hells!

High heels give excessive pressure on the front foot and make the body weight rests only to certain sections. In the long term, this condition is the risk of making changes in posture that led to the onset of disease (foot pain from high heels).

Wearing high heels makes the body have to adjust your posture to maintain balance. The lower body are leaning forward to make your upper body must lean back. Similarly when walking, the muscles in the hip flexors will work harder to pull yourself forward. This position also make the knee muscles work much harder so the knee even more depressed.

On the other hand, wearing high heels also cause changes to your back in a normal S-shape. This curve-shaped curves are supposed to relieve pressure on the spine. But high heels make the lower spine becomes more straight to adjust for changes posture of the head and spine center.

In addition to restricting the movement and force of the ankle joint, high heels also make the knees remain bent when walking. Meanwhile, the shinbones are depressed inside bringing excessive pressure on the knee.

In the long term, changes in body postures above pose a risk of several diseases following:

  • Osteoarthritis
The pressure on the knee as a result of the use of high heels can be one of the triggers of osteoarthritis. This condition occurs because of friction ends of the bones making up the joint resulting in inflammation and pain as known as high heels pain.

  • Achilles Tendinitis
Achilles tendon at the foot retracts when you are wearing high heels. So wearing high heels continuously and in the long term can lead to Achilles tendinitis. This condition occurs due to inflammation of the Achilles tendon or connective tissue that connects the calf muscles in the lower leg to the back of the heel bone. In addition to the calf muscle feels tense when stretched his legs, the disease is characterized by pain and swelling in the heel when you walk.

  • Metatarsalgia
High-heels and pointy shoes bring undue pressure on the top foot or just below your toes. This condition can cause acute pain in the area that if not treated immediately be felt in the long term or even cause fracture.

  • Sciatica
Increase load on the toes make your body leaning forward when standing and walking. Consequently, there is excessive pressure on the knees, hips, and lower back. Changes in posture is what causes sciatica, which is a condition when nerves pinched and cause pain and numbness to the lower leg.

Some women who wear high heels often suffer a shortening of the achilles tendon due to heightened heels. Yet tendon is designed to be able to move flexibly. These conditions lead to plantar fasciitis, the condition when there is inflammation and pain in the plantar fascia or thick tissue on the bottom of the foot that connects the heel bone to the toes.

Read also : Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Exercises

  • Lower Back Pain
Wearing high heels can alter the shape of the spine from its normal shape and cause lower back pain.

Wearing High Heels Without Pain
  1. If you use high heels every day, for example to work, we suggest you choose high heels of no more than 2-3 cm. Take along a flat footwear to be worn during work breaks or on the way leaving or go home.
  2. Alternately wearing of high-heeled shoes with flat shoes such as sneakers that makes the legs can move naturally and freely.
  3. Wear your highest high-heels shoes only occasionally on special occasions, such as parties.
  4. Stretch legs every day to loosen the calf muscles to the toes.
